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ShuffleSpace is a fast-growing startup company in the storage and logistics sector. They are going above & beyond conventional warehousing & storage lockers to provide a fully managed solution where business assets are catalogued, stored, and transported based on client needs with innovative technology deeply integrated into the process.

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As ShuffleSpace was succeeding in the growth of their client base, managing the ever-growing inventory of items and the expanding use-cases from clients became a challenge with regards to operations and technology. Their existing technology and the corresponding processes started to become suboptimal for responding to the evolving market demands

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OasisCode works with ShuffleSpace to understand their business, review their existing technology and learn about their current processes. By gaining a genuine understanding of the nuances of their business, OasisCode provides on-going updates to restructure & enhance the existing technologies. The main objective of these changes is to enhance operational efficiency and accuracy, and meet the ever-evolving requirements of new and existing ShuffleSpace clients.
